Applying for a Grant
The Vision of the Cavendish Community Fund is to build a vibrant Cavendish Community by funding local programs, projects, and events. Our Mission is to provide community-building grants to support education, the arts, and other community strengthening activities in Cavendish.
Criteria for Grant Eligibility
Tax Status: The Fund accepts applications from organizations that are tax exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, other non-profit organizations, public institutions or individuals. The fund encourages individuals to partner with a local tax-exempt organization.
Location of Project: It must be located in the Town of Cavendish, Vermont.
Type of Project: The Fund mainly considers educational programs or promotion of the arts. However, funding requests may be wide ranging and include special initiatives, seed money for pilot projects or new organizations, and matching or challenge grants. Typically, the awards will be within the $500 - $1,000 range.
Collaboration: The fund strongly encourages collaborative efforts amongst various groups, organizations and individuals, which include at least one Cavendish group or organization, for an event, project or program that will enjoy broad community support and that will positively impact the quality of life within the Cavendish community.
Exclusions: The Fund will not provide direct support for operating expenses; endowment campaigns; outings; personal individual projects; fellowships or scholarships; or programs intended to be profit making.
Applications should be submitted via the form below or by letter addressed to the fund that includes the information specified below. The Fund will receive applications at any time of the year and will review and fund them at least once a year. Prior to submitting a formal application, organizations may make inquiry as to their eligibility to apply. The fund encourages pre-application questions. Please see the media announcement of grant deadlines for contact names and numbers. The Fund will notify all applicants by mail or by email of its decision.
If you wish to send the application via letter, the application can be emailed to:
or mailed to:
Cavendish Community Fund
P.O. Box 154
Proctorsville, VT 05153
Please include the following information in the application letter:
1. A Proposal in narrative form, no longer than 3 pages, that includes:
a) If the applicant is an individual, provide a description or a background summary of the applicant.
b) If the applicant is an organization, a list of key staff and the organization’s federal tax status. The Fund reserves the right to request an organizational budget as part of the application review process.
c) A statement of who and how many people the program will affect, where and when it will happen, and a projected timeline.
d) The program goals and a rationale for why this project will encourage new community relationships.
e) A list of other Funds, Foundations or other organizations from which the applicant has requested money.
2. A project budget.
Those who receive a grant will be expected to furnish the Fund with a final report describing the event and how many Cavendish residents were involved.
To send in an application through this website, please thoroughly fill out the form below.